Thursday, 29 March 2018

Quality of Life, Fleshing out

The game has come a long way up to this point, but there are many issues that have built up that need to be addressed. After giving the game to two people to play test, they have managed to find a few bugs that really need to be fixed before continuing as I don’t want them to build up and be forgotten about. Doing this now brings a nice quality of life to the game, but also allows me to tweak some current features to make the game more playable.

The first issue that needed to be addressed is a major gameplay issue with the ladders. After implementing, I thought that although they didn’t match the grid squares, they couldn’t be placed on top of other objects. This however was not the case, as one tester found that falling and placing resulted being able to place them anywhere. One fix that I put in place immediately is one that stops the Player from placing them while they are not on a ground tile. This means that if they are not standing on a solid tile or ladder, they are not able to place a ladder. I then went on to fix the ladder positioning, meaning that when placed, they couldn’t be in the middle of a square. I did this by taking the player’s x coordinate and flooring it -meaning that the ladder could only be placed on an integer value -which in turn aligned them with the rest of the level assets.

After implementing the quality of life changes I thought it was time to add in a game over screen. This screen will be shown whenever the Player dies. Unfortunately, due to the way I have set it up, it was not possible to create this the way I wanted it due to the time constraints. The end result of what I would have liked was a way of passing the damage type (from DamagePlayer function) to the end game screen. For now, the message simply reads “You have died”. The way I achieved the end screen was from the DamagePlayer function that I created earlier.

Additionally, parts of the game needed fleshing out. Although I had created the sprites for the ores, along with scripts, they didn’t actually do anything as the scripts were empty. This needed changing, so I made sure that all variables within the dirt script were generic, such as the current and maximum health. This means I could just simply copy and paste the code for each ore and change the values for each one accordingly. Initially upon creating the ore, I was going to use prefabs. This system could have been developed much better if I had of known about scriptable objects.

Thursday, 22 March 2018

Player Health, UI and Fall Damage

It’s time to add some danger to the game. As of yet, there are currently no danger elements so the first one I will be implementing will be fall damage. To go along with this, I’ll be updating the UI to add the health, cash and depths displays, as well as preparing it for the upcoming stamina feature.

One thing I’ve learnt over the course of creating this game is that centralisation is a key part of programming -it’s important to keep code in a logical order. With that in mind, I proceeded to handle all damage from the PlayerController script and any incoming damage information would be passed to a function called DamagePlayer (float damageToGive, string damageType). The variables in the brackets are called ‘overloads’. This means that whenever this function is called, it will require that this data is passed to the function. In this instance, I’m passing the amount of damage and the type of damage respectively. With this in place, I could now proceed to developing the fall damage mechanic.

Fall damage is seen in many games. A good example of a fall damage system is from the game Minecraft, where falling from a certain number of blocks in height will result in base fall damage. Falling from any block after the threshold height results in a fixed amount of damage, based on an algorithm. For my game, I won’t include any complex algorithms as that’s not necessary. What I’m looking for is a system which, if falling from a height greater than or equal to 5 units, will result in fall damage equal to (fall distance * fall damage multiplier (1.5)). i.e. falling from a height of 5 will result in 7.5 fall damage. Once the damage has been calculated, it’s then passed through to damagePlayer, which for now, outputs that damage in a Debug.Log.

Implementing fall damage was tough, as I had to come up with a way to calculate the falling damage based on where the Player started and ended. The challenge came when I figured that I needed to update the Player’s current position only when they were on the ground. I achieved this by using a ray cast which fired downwards from the centre of the Player, and whenever a collision is detected, it triggers a bool on the Player to true (isGrounded). I chose to use a ray cast after first attempting to use the box collider to detect collisions using the OnTriggerEnter, OnTriggerStay and OnTriggerExit functions. However, this led to problems where the Player was able to collide with the side of objects, which would set isGrounded to true, therefore nullifying the damage completely if they exploited this. Basically, whenever the Player is standing on an object that’s considered to be ground, the Player’s position is updated to a variable called lastPositionY. Once the Player starts falling, lastPositionY stops getting updated while the player’s current y position is changing. Upon hitting the ground, the function takes the lastpositionY and subtracts that from the player’s current Y position, thus giving me the fall distance. This system gave me the opportunity to use and understand ‘getters and setters’.

Monday, 12 March 2018

Inventory Animation, Depth Counter, Fixed Mining Bug

Currently there are no tell-tale signs when the Player has filled their inventory. Sounds won’t be added until later down the line, so rather than just placing a Debug.Log statement to output it to the console, I figured that now was a good time to add a notification telling the player that there were no more inventory slots available. Up to this point, mining with a full inventory would still destroy the rock, just that no item would be received, I decided to change this while I was at it.

To start with, I added a check within the Mining.cs script, whenever a target has been hit by the ray cast, then the player’s inventory will be checked using the function CheckInventory. If there’s space, then the player can deal damage and upon destroying the rock, the UI is updated, and the Player’s inventory is checked again. The inventory check is simple: if the inventory is full, then a trigger is set to true within the animator on the inventory, and this will trigger the inventory full notification once, which plays the animation. Whenever I’m developing a system such as this, especially where many events are being called from multiple scripts, I try and think about the best way to do it so that events are only fired when they need to be, and if possible, not from multiple places. This not only helps with optimisation but also with problem solving later down the line because it reduces the possible places that something is being called from. Because of this way of thinking, I try to develop systems that don’t require to be called every frame, but rather from a chain of events.

Moving onto the next feature, I added a depth counter. This counter will act as ‘high score’ system as well as giving the player some feedback about what level of danger they are in. The only problem with this system is that because the level is generated from a sprite, I can’t modify the world position. To combat this, I have had to get the player’s y position and subtract 152 from it to set the depth count to zero. I also would have preferred that the depth counter was a positive number, but I was not able to achieve this.

The final update of this section was a bugfix with the mining. This bug occurred if the player changed their mining target without letting go of left-click. The problem: Ores would not regenerate health unless the Player stopped mining completely, and this bug was a tricky one to fix. The solution that I found for it was to store the Player’s target (which is already stored in a variable) into another variable called previousTarget. This way, whenever the player selects a new target, the previous one will regenerate health. At first, I didn’t think this would even work, as when the player’s inventory was full, I was getting a reference exception error, which stated that an object was still trying to be referenced even though it had been destroyed. However, I managed to fix this by setting the previous target to null after regenerating health and checking if (previousTarget != null) meaning that the code would only execute if there was a target in the scene.

Thursday, 1 March 2018

Ladders, Buy Items from Shop, Ore Health Regen

After giving the player the ability to dig down, there was no way back up. This needed changing and to do so, I added ladders. Getting the functionality right for these was tricky, and they still didn’t end up perfect and will need further tweaking down the line. One of the issues I have with them at the moment is that they can be placed almost anywhere, as long as they aren’t on top of another ladder. This means that they aren’t correctly aligned with the world space, which is something that I will look to improve later down the line. For now, they have functionality (mostly) as intended, and fulfil their purpose.
The Ladder uses a box collider that, when colliding with the Player, will trigger a variable to true which allows the Player’s movement to be changed. Once this happens, gravity gets disabled on the Player’s rigid body. For these ladders to be implemented into the game however, they need to be purchased from the shop. This means that the buy menu required setting up.

Setting up the buy menu was much easier than I thought it would be. All I had to do was create a list, which I could then drag items into it from the inspector within Unity. I had a choice between using scriptable objects or prefabs. In this case, seeing as different items would need different data, I chose to use prefabs.

Something I wasn’t happy with was the interaction with ores. After mining them, but not to the point of being destroyed, they would remain on the health that they got down to indefinitely. This meant that it was constantly in one state or another, resulting in many ores being cracked at once. This interaction just didn’t seem to suit the game, so to change I added in a system that regenerates health should the player stop mining.

Download the game and Project Files!

The project files along with any additional documentation are located in this folder on my Google Drive. To download the game please down...