Thursday, 12 October 2017

Discussing my options - Part 1

Over the course of the past week I have investigated my options. The mining game seemed like the most appealing for a few reasons, these of which I will explain below.

Firstly, my artistic skills are shall we say... lacking. Creating a 3D game would require modelling my own assets, this is an idea that I'm not at all comfortable with, given the time frame of my project. I don't want to bite off more than I can chew, so going with a 2D game will make modelling and animating a lot simpler. Not only do the assets require less artistic skills, but I won't need to worry about animating them as well. This rules out the option of creating a third / first person shooter.

To go hand-in-hand with this, my research over the past week into the game engines has revealed some interesting results. Unity Engine more widely supports my decision of this mining game as they have great support 2D sprites and animation. There are also talks about implementing tile-map support, which would help a great deal.

The MOBA was ruled out when I realised how complex of a job that would be. A lot of the mechanics in a MOBA require a lot of development time, as well as the fact that I am going to be learning a new programming language, this would simply be too complex. Looking at League of Legends as an example, this game has some extremely complex mechanics, and in order to get the game to a suitable point of completion would seem to be asking too much.

In summary, I have decided to go with the mining game. This option stands out because of the tremendous support Unity has for developing it, as well as C# being a language that I would love to learn.

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Download the game and Project Files!

The project files along with any additional documentation are located in this folder on my Google Drive. To download the game please down...